Look at what National Geographic did! Jessie showed me this blog entry this morning, and I couldn't wait to get home from work and attack YouTube. Sure enough, lots to behold for all your cute animal fetus needs. Whatever you do, however, ensure your stomach feels strong if you plan on watching anything about marsupial birth—unless, of course, you're into the Alien series (thanks, Cliff).
Six wives, six lives
Divorced, beheaded, died. Divorced, beheaded, survived.
New header image! Tech savvy! It's the six wives of Henry VIII (for good measure, looks like Catherine of Aragon appears twice.. making the number of heads seven). A few months ago I revisited my fascination with the obese old jerk and made a weird collage. I have yet to watch The Tudors. I'm curious, but I'd rather picture Hank realistically: nasty, old, diseased, covered in goiters and pustules. Somehow Jonathan Rhys Meyers spoils the illusion. We'll leave him as the dreamy Brian Slade in Velvet Goldmine. Okay with you?
YouTube meets sacredfig
It had to happen sooner or later. Check it out—I started a YouTube channel. One of my two videos (nicer to watch with no sound).
Non-fiction fiction
A few amusing items from the past couple of weeks: Last week I rented Science is Fiction, a compilation of director Jean Painlevé's exciting short films, mostly about microscopic underwater creatures. Blissful images accompanied by a trumpeting French narrative and bizarre, magical musical compositions.
RT and I watched Hiroshi Teshigahara's The Face of Another (trailer) based on Kôbô Abe's book of the same name. The book is better, but the film is still long, slow and fascinating. The set for the doctor's office blew my mind. I just wish I could stop referring to this one as The Man Without a Face. Mel Gibson isn't worthy of the (mis)alignment.
Big score in Newmarket
Every year, friends and family (and so on, and so on) of Pearson employees are invited to participate in a massive warehouse sale. Books are sold dirt cheap and the money goes to charity—sounds good to me. It took three hours of waiting to make the front of the line, but when we were finally unleashed, I managed to score some pretty unbelievable finds. Among the wreckage:
$2 each.